Typ A Centre from the ZSEER
The A-Center of the ZSEER supports and coordinates the interdisciplinary activities in health care, research and teaching in the field of rare diseases in order to achieve an improvement in terms of early detection, diagnostics, therapy, aftercare, as well as reports to registries.
The contact point is located at Universitätsstraße 22 in 91054 Erlangen and can also be reached there for patients with an unclear diagnosis. The A Center is equipped with an administrative pilot and two medical guides and represents the ZSEER externally in applications for the establishment of center structures for rare diseases. It works closely with the associated disease- or disease-group-specific specialist centres, the other reference centres for rare diseases in Germany and self-help.
In Bavaria, ZSEER is a member of the Bavarian Association for Rare Diseases (BAsE), the association of the Centers for Rare Diseases in Bavaria (together with ZSER Regensburg, ZESE Würzburg, ZSE Munich LMU and ZSE TU Munich). These are based at the University Hospitals of Erlangen, Munich, Regensburg and Würzburg. Since March 2017, ZSEER has also been a member of the German Association of Centers for Rare Diseases.